Irma Carmona serves as the Program Director for ASU CAMP. She earned a Bachelors in Criminology and Criminal Justice from ASU and a Masters in Higher Education from Syracuse University. Irma has worked at ASU since 2013 and has worked in Housing and Advising before joining ASU CAMP. Her own involvement on campus was transformative, leading her to a fulfilling career in Higher Education and lifelong friendships. She is passionate about creating a sense of belonging for other first-gen students and helping them achieve their educational goals!
Irma Carmona es la Directora del programa de ASU CAMP! Irma es la hija mayor de dos inmigrantes, su papa es de Oaxaca y su mama es de Mexicali. Ella estudió Criminología en ASU y su maestría en la Universidad de Syracuse en Nueva York. Irma ha trabajado en ASU desde 2013 y espera que pueda servir como recurso no solo a sus estudiantes pero a las familias también! Si tienen preguntas o quejas por favor ella quiere ayudar a resolverlos.