
"To provide educational and support services including outreach efforts to eligible migrant and seasonal farm workers and their children during their first year of college and beyond." 

The ASU CAMP Scholars Project mission 

The ASU CAMP Scholars Project strives to create a comprehensive, responsive, sustainable retention program for migrant students. We ensure the academic success of first-year migrant students through financial, transitional and academic support while enriching the lives of our students and working with families to ensure student success.

The CAMP team has created a retention program focusing on a successful first year of college for our students. Every aspect of CAMP was created to fulfill the educational, social and financial needs of our students. We give our students the tools and mentorship needed to graduate from ASU.  

CAMP students meet regularly with peer mentors and our CAMP academic success coordinator. Participants have access to one-on-one tutors and weekly study hall hours. The academic success coordinator works closely with students in creating a personalized student learning plan. 

We believe our students’ university experience should be full of positive and enriching opportunities that go beyond the classroom. We encourage students to become well-rounded but not lose focus on their academic, social, emotional and spiritual well-being. 

We understand attending a university is a big change in our students' lives. We have built a program focused on being “the home away from home” for our students. We want our students to have a positive university experience without having to worry about additional challenges that may exist academically or financially. 

We work with our students’ parents and family members to foster success. We want parents and students to have peace of mind in knowing we have created a community within the university that welcomes them. To ensure this, we also offer additional financial help for our students for emergency events or unexpected educational costs.