We believe that CAMP Scholars should not only be knowledge consumers but also be knowledge producers. To this end, we require students to enroll in the CAMP seminar where they acquire research skills and fulfill their lower-division social and behavioral sciences (SB) general education requirements. Students are then able to present their research at a special symposium in their second year and apply for a grant to support their attendance at an academic conference.

Student Type
Current Scholars
Spanish Name
Oportunidades de investigación académica
Spanish Text

We believe that CAMP Scholars should not only be knowledge consumers but also be knowledge producers. To this end, we require students to enroll in the CAMP seminar where they acquire research skills and fulfill their lower-division social and behavioral sciences (SB) general education requirements. Students are then able to present their research at a special symposium in their second year and apply for a grant to support their attendance at an academic conference.